Sanilac County, Michigan

Courthouse, 60 W Sanilac Ave, Sandusky, MI 48471

Chief of Police Rodney Jaskowski
(989) 551-9985
Chief of Police Rodney Jaskowski
(989) 551-9985
Fire Chief Scott Vogel
(989) 917-9086
President Ron Kaufman
(734) 637-5807
Clerk Mary Self
P.O. Box 83
Minden City, Michigan 48456
(989) 864-3272
Treasurer Donna Brown
1585 First St
Minden City, Michigan 48456
(989) 917-9312
Trustee John Lautner
Trustee Sara Lautner
Trustee Susan Gornowicz
Trustee Mark Klawon
Trustee Steve Gamer
DPW Supervisor Billy Schuman
(989) 917-0377

Minden City

Village Office/Fire Hall, 1585 First Street
Minden City, MI 48456
(989) 864-3000
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Sanilac County, Michigan
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